7 useful tips for IELTS test

I.   T i p s   f o r  I d e n t i f y i n g  I n f o r m a t i o n  a n d t  h e
W r i t e r ' s  V i e w s  i n  t h e  I E L T S  R e a d i n g  M o d u l e

When you see questions in IELTS reading that require you to determine certain
information and the writer's views, keep the following in mind:
1.    Skim the reading passage so you would be able  to get the general idea of
the content.
2.    Try to match the statements/questions with the ones contained in the
passage. Be careful because the ideas in the statements/questions most
probably won't be using the same words in the passage. Your skill of looking
for synonyms would be wise here.

3. If the passage doesn't mention the idea expressed in the
statements/questions, then choose 'NOT GIVEN'.
4.  If the passage happens to mention the exact idea in the
statements/questions, then the answer can be a 'YES' or 'TRUE'. It however
helps to analyze the meaning of the whole statement/question carefully. These
statements/questions could merely be distractors, so pay attention.
5.    If the passage either states an idea which is the opposite of the
statement/question or gives data which is in conflict with the
statement/question, then choose 'NO' or 'FALSE'.

II. Here's a technique to improve your vocabulary for your IELTS:
The technique involves identifying  certain words and determining the various word
forms. English words could have different forms, depending on how they are used.
Particularly, a word could either be used as a Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb.
Take for instance the word "manage." "Manage" is a verb. It however has other word
forms. When used as a noun, the word is "management," or "manager." If used as
an adjective, it's "manageable." And when used as an adverb, it's "manageably."
manage – verb
management/manager – noun
manageable – adjective
manageably – adverb
Let's take it a step further. Consider this sentence: "Martha  managed  the family
business after her parents retired."
In the Listening and Reading modules, words and phrases in the exam booklet
questions are expressed in a  different way than those in the audio recording or
reading passage, respectively. Thus in the recording or passage, you could perhaps
encounter the sentence, "Martha was promoted to  manager  when her parents
stepped down."
In writing and speaking on the other hand, candidates are not encouraged to copy
the words as shown in the questions or tasks. Thus, let's say that you were
presented with the following question: "Efficient  management  is an essential part of
successful companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree." In the introduction
one could write, "Effective business systems are composed of competent
To sum it up, add your knowledge of word forms to your IELTS skill set. These
tips could be very wise for your prediction skills in listening, for your scanning
skills in reading, and whenever you need to paraphrase with regard to your
writing and speaking tasks. Do remember that lexical resource is a criteria
checked by your examiners in writing and speaking. The more words you
know and  could use to your advantage, the better your chances of having a
high score when you take the exam.
III. Pronouns and Reference Words are Important:
Coherence and Cohesion is a criteria considered by IELTS examiners when they
check your writing tasks. Coherence relates to the way your ideas are organized.
Cohesion, on the other hand, relates to the way your sentences are connected.
With regard to improving your writing skill via cohesion, remember to make use of
these 4 word types:
-reference words;
-linking words;
-synonyms; and
-transition words.
Reference words are those which refer back to previously mentioned words or
phrases. Common examples of these are pronouns and their antecedents.
To have a good score when it comes to cohesion vis-a-vis reference words, be sure
that your pronouns agree with their antecedent. Thus:
1. Make sure that the pronoun agrees with its antecedent in gender (male or female).
Example: "I like Christina. Her music is very good."
2. Make sure that the pronoun agrees with its  antecedent in person (first person,
second person, third person).
Example: "The  candidates  here study and practice often.  They  really strive hard to
increase their chances of achieving a high score in the IELTS exam." ("candidates"
and "they" are in the third person)
3. Finally, make sure that the pronoun agrees with its antecedent in number (singular
or plural).
Example: "The  candidates  here study and practice often.  They  really strive hard to
increase their chances of achieving a high score in the IELTS  exam." ("candidates"
and "they" are plural)
Well, if you remember to apply these tips, not only would they enable you to show
your prowess in grammar, but they would also help your reader easily understand
your writing task.
IV. Work through the test quickly:
Test candidates commonly complain that they do not have sufficient time to
complete the test, particularly in the reading and writing sections. So how do you
overcome this problem?

One suggestion is to carry out for speed reading techniques. There are plenty of
brilliant tips discussed. Use these tips, then do some IELTS papers and time
yourself. If it is still taking too long, you may need more practice carrying out your
speed reading techniques. You may also need to improve on your vocabulary. As a
general rule of thumb, read as much and as widely as possible in the days leading
up to the test.
Increasing your writing pace is not an easy task either. One way of speeding up your
writing is to time yourself writing out bulks of paragraphs from a reading material. Try
to avoid squeezing the pen. Just relax and use the pen smoothly.
For the listening test, listen to spoken English as much and as often as possible to
get used to the language. listen to an English radio  channel or watch English films
without reading the subtitles.
V. Read test instructions thoroughly:
The importance of reading the test instructions has been sorely underrated. In an
attempt to complete the test on time, most candidates choose to skip reading this
part of the test and immediately attempt to answer the questions once the timer
starts. They fail to realize that the instructions may include clues that are crucial to
how they answer the questions. For example, the instructions of the listening test may provide an important detail about the 'conversation', such as its location.
Skipping through the instructions is not a time saving technique. In fact, it might hurt
your test scores.
VI. Do not fall behind in the listening test:
For the listening test, candidates do not have control over time. Bearing that in mind,
try your best to keep up, but do not panic if other candidates start writing their
answers without you. When you hear the sound of other candidates flipping over the
page, do likewise. This may help you return to the right pace.
VII. Answer all questions without exceptions:
For both the listening and reading tests, there is a variety of questions ranging from
multiple choice, short answers, gap fills and so on. If you are running out of time and
you do not know the answer to a question, guess. Use logic to figure out the answer
and write it in the style instructed. If you are wrong, no marks will be deducted. If you
happen to guess right, you will earn some lucky points.
VIII. Don't just give one-word answers in the speaking test:

Take control of the speaking test. You can very easily determine your own success
by being communicative and having a positive attitude. First impressions count, so
do not simply answer the questions with 'yes' or 'no' answers. Elaborate on your
answers and be eager as you talk. Keep in mind that you should be talking about 70 -80% of the time. Show your tester that you are eloquent with your grammar,
vocabulary and pronunciation. Sit comfortably but do not slouch. It is also a good
idea to sit while holding your hands on your lap to control your body movements. The
examiner may come from a different cultural background so you should be aware of
your body language.
IX. Speak naturally when giving an introduction:
Do not become a robot when you are asked to introduce yourself. Be friendly and
speak naturally. If you are struggling with the speaking test, try writing  a "2 minute
me" on a piece of paper. Remember to include interesting information about yourself
that will set you apart from the other candidates. Then practice speaking it in front of
your friends and family before testing it on people you do not know. From this
exercise, you will be able to discern how people react to your introduction. You will
find out if it's too boring, too unnatural and so on. When you are done, edit the
content accordingly and try again.
X. Make adequate preparations before the test:
Don't brush this suggestion off as being too obvious. There have been far too many
candidates showing up for the IELTS test with almost no preparation. One particular
candidate, who had lived and studied in the United States for over four years,
assumed he would score at least an 8.0, since he considered his level of English to
be on par with the native speaker. However, he could only manage a 6.5 because he
failed to understand what the test requires from him. Enroll in our online course to
help you understand how the test works.
Reasons for Getting Low Scores at IELTS
1.  Not having a study plan.
Some people feel overly confident about their IELTS exam and don't bother studying.
Others think it is all about luck. To succeed at IELTS is all about  discipline and you
have got to have a plan. It takes constant and consistent practice to reach a high
band score and, even if you are busy, you should carefully plan your studies. Devote
at least one hour every day to preparing.
2.  Not following instructions
How can you hope to do well if you don't do what is needed? Many IELTS
candidates fail to get their desired band score not because their English is poor, but
because they don't read the instructions properly. The NUMBER ONE rule in IELTS
is to FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully. The most common mistake made is in
the Yes/No/Not given type questions. People tend to answer True/False instead.
Another frequent mistake is that people give complete word answers when only a
letter is needed. So, don't forget to read the instructions!
3.  Poor time management.
In many exams, especially IELTS, time is never on your side. Many IELTS
candidates fail to finish the four modules and how can you hope to score highly if you
don't even finish the exam? Completing each task is essential if you want to get a
high band score and succeed at IELTS. This means it's important to plan your time
well. Quick thinking is an essential skill to develop. You have to be able to listen,
read, write and speak quickly to get the marks you want.
4.  Panicking.
Many people panic when they go in to their IELTS test, especially in the Speaking
component. When faced with a difficult question their mind tends to go blank. How
can you solve this? Good preparation is a start. When you are well prepared you will
find it easier to focus and your confidence will grow. Have a selection of expressions
prepared for every questions you might be asked!
5.  Not reading enough.
If little goes in then little will come out. Like feeding your body, y ou also have to feed
your mind. Take time to read in English - magazines, newspapers, journals or on the
Internet. The type of materials you will encounter in IELTS reading texts can be
found in magazines like Time and Newsweek or the editorial sections of
newspapers. Not only will reading increase your vocabulary but it will also improve
your argumentation skills you can use in speaking and writing.
6.  Making the same mistakes again & again.
It's OK to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. If you   keep making the
same mistakes again and again then there is little point in practicing. This is
especially true in writing with spelling and grammatical errors. The most common
mistakes people make are with subject-verb agreement, tense consistency and
prepositions. Look at the mistakes you make and constantly review them.
7. Thinking negative thoughts.
DON'T! If you think you will not get a high score in the IELTS exam then you
probably won't. Worrying about the test is not productive and gets you nowhere. The
IELTS exam is not difficult if you know how to approach it. So be confident and
always think positively!
Use the language around you. If you are in an English speaking country then
this is easy. If not then use the internet.
Do one English activity every day – listen to the radio, watch a film, read a
magazine or newspaper article, have a conversation in English. Make it
something that you are interested in and then ENJOY it!
Practise little and often. Choose one activity at a time- for example reading,
and really concentrate on that during your daily practice.
Make sure you understand why things are wrong, go over any mistakes and
learn from them. If you have a lot of mistakes then do the exercise again.